What Should I Do With My Old Boat?
Boat Recycling - Is It For Me? Raritan Engineering Company your marine toilet specialists would like to share with you these topics we thought would be of interest to you this month regarding what you should do with your old boat. Can Boats Be Recycled? Boats, like cars, are made of a variety of materials. Unlike boats, however, cars have been designed with considerable thought on end-of-life disposal. Your marine toilet experts talk about how nearly every part of a car can now be taken apart and recycled. Due to scientific advancements in fiberglass recycling, boat recycling is finally becoming a possibility. Yes, boats can be recycled, but it is no simple task. How Do You Recycle a Boat? If you have a boat today that you’d like to recycle, here’s what you should do. First, is the boat still seaworthy? If so, you can, of course, sell it. You can also attempt to donate it. Yacht World has an excellent guide to donating your old boat to charity....